Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Three Types of Customers

Diary of a Garbage Man – Three Types of Customers

In my job there are three types of customers. The first and most common type of customer is the one that just wants to get their trash picked up. They don't care when, where, or how I do this. They just want to put garbage in the can and have it disappear before they run our of room to put more garbage in the can. This system works out well because that is exactly what I want to do. It would be my preference that I never see or hear from my customers. Most of the time I pick up the garbage before they are awake or while they are at work. The can is in the same place every week and I dump it and leave it in the same place. Easy easy lemon squeezy. Most of my problems at work come from the other two types of customers.

The first and most typical problem customers is the one that likes to watch me. The watchers come in two forms. The kind that will walk right out and stand next to me to watch me dump their trash and the kind that will peek out of the blinds or hide in the shadows and watch me. The bold watchers usually looks at what I do and quickly come up with a better way for me to do my job. “You should lift with your legs and not your back” “Wouldn't it be quicker if you parked on the other side of the street” “Can't you come from the other direction” “Why don't you get a different kind of truck” “Can't you make your truck run quieter?” All these stupid questions are unnecessary and a waste of my time to deal with. Most of the time I just feel like saying if you could do better at this why don't you hop on board and show me how it's done. I will sip on a cup of coffee and watch the master at work. These customers tend to call and complain to the boss the most often also. They say things like your garbage man didn't put my can back in the right place, he drives to fast down my driveway, and best of all he didn't get all the trash out of my can. The answer to these complaints is.... your can is on the wrong side of your driveway just to mess with you man, I was driving ten miles per hour instead of five get a life, and there is some garbage still in your can because it was frozen solid at 5 am and wouldn't come out. Now that it is 5 pm and your home from work and it thawed out all day of course it looks like we should have dumped it. Blahhhhhh.

The third type of customer and most rare is the customer that wants me to watch them. These unicorns of the customer world keep me on my toes and insure that weird fetishes are alive and well in the world. These customers are usually ladies and unfortunately always older in age. The tame exhibitionists will do something like turn on the lights in their bedroom as soon as they see my truck pull up and make sure they are in some level of undress and the blinds are open as I approach to get the garbage. Most of the time I can just focus on getting the garbage and overt my eyes and we both get what we want. The customer gets the thrill of thinking someone is watching them and I get to pick up the trash and not be scarred for life. When I drive away the light goes off and all is back to normal in the world. Issues come up when the exhibitionists aren't so tame. The wild show ponies want to make sure they are seen and want to see my reaction. These ladies typically come running out of the house with their bathrobe only half on, in their bra and panties, or just a t-shirt waving a bag of garbage at me asking me to come and get it. I'm sure sometimes this act is completely innocent and you just want your garbage to get taken out, but when it happens every week that seems like you might have a problem. Most of the time I can deal with these interactions in a gentlemanly way and just look to the side or be quick about it. But sometimes when a motion light comes on unexpectedly and I'm faced with what looks like a fried egg nailed to a wall it leaves some mental trauma that is above my pay grade.

Overall I like and enjoy all my customers and respect their individual quarks and can respect them while giving great service.  I also strive to respect their privacy in much the same way a doctor or lawyer would hold personal information in privilege.   I hope these stories can help shed light on what it is like for your garbage man when he picks up your trash each week. 

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